Starting Over: Downsized — But Not Down And Out

In the previous post, I mentioned that the ModernMarriedGuy and I are at the point where we are starting over with our lives, and to tell you the truth, as hard and as scary as it sometimes is to be at this point, it’s also pretty darn exciting to have the opportunity to start it all from scratch — and the opportunity to do it smarter and better.

So, in the spirit of sharing and information exchange, I am beginning the Starting Over series here. I want to be able to share the lessons I have learned about smart and sensible living.

Just because we are downsizing our lives doesn’t mean that we want or intend to go to the other extreme: we are not trying our hand at sustainable living. We are not making our own shampoo and soap. We’re not eschewing modern conveniences or living off the land.

There’s nothing at all wrong with that lifestyle, and many elements of sustainable living are actually some things we’d like to try. I will be starting a small potted patio garden, and will try to grow our own herbs and some veggies (we will see how that goes, as my thumb to this point has never really been green). There are also many great blogs out in the blogosphere that solely focus on that lifestyle.

But that’s just not the ModernMarrieds. We are true-to-life urban folk, who enjoy city life, modern conveniences and living as well and as comfortably as we can. We just want to find a more economically feasible way to do it.

Before, we were so caught up in the trappings, we never stopped to think that there might be a better way, a way that would allow us time to actually enjoy the things we were accumulating and for which we were paying. We were constantly working, rarely having any fun and were miserable with ourselves and each other.

And now that we were actually derailed off that track, we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to find a way that will introduce more balance , more enjoyment and more peace within our lives.

Was the Universe trying to tell us something? We were aware that at some point, something had to give, but were too scared and stubborn to let go of the life, however miserable, we had created.

So we have the chance to begin again, and for that I am truly grateful. I am even more grateful that we are together in making this change, that the hard times broke us out of our rut, but didn’t break us.

I invite you to follow this series, and hope that some of the ideas presented are helpful to those of you in a similar situation, a well as to those not in the situation to avoid it.

Starting over. For many of us, it’s the face of modern marriage.

The Modern Married Chick

About modernmarriedchick

42. Fabulous. Happily married.Blissfully childfree. Dog mommy. Chicago native, Austin resident. Lover of books, wine, food, dinner parties, politics, great conversation, social media, girly things and geeky pursuits. Striving to be the perfect wife -- with a modern twist. View all posts by modernmarriedchick

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